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Cancer Prevention and Cures
First guest Philip Mantle editor of the recenley published UFO Matrix Magazine, the magazine will bring together an international list of columnists and contributors to provide you with the latest UFO sighting reports, discussions, debates, theories, news, reviews and much, much more. It is our aim to try and cover any and every aspect of the UFO subject as space will allow. We have no hidden agenda and no fixed editorial plan on what we can and cannot cover. Instead we will endeavour to offer you the reader as much information as we possibly can on the UFO subject and allow you to reach your own conclusion. We will not favour any one particular theory as to what UFOs may or may not be, nor will we ignore the research of our colleagues who take a more sceptical stance. The pages of UFO MATRIX MAGAZINE are open to anyone who wishes to submit an item for possible publication.

The one thing we do feel strongly about is the importance of UFO study. This is one of the primary reasons for producing this publication. It is to bring to the attention of the general public at large as much information on the UFO subject as possible. We feel that whatever lies behind the UFO phenomena that it deserves serious study and debate and to do that it needs to be kept in the public domain. UFO MATRIX MAGAZINE is our contribution to keeping the UFO subject in the public eye and hopefully adding something to continued UFO research and investigation. The first issue was available on July 30th 2010.

Our second guest was Professor Jane Plant. Jane explained her programs for beating cancer, Jane has been an extremely active member of the professional community, with a large number of posts during her career, in learned societies, engineering institutions, advisory panels, Royal Commissions, and universities around the world. Jane is a leading geochemist who has made major contributions to Earth and Environmental Science, concentrating on issues of particular relevance to society.

She is an international expert on chemicals in the environment, especially the naturally occurring radionuclides such as uranium and the trace elements arsenic and selenium. She developed the outstanding BGS Geochemical Baseline of the Environment (G-BASE) programme which maps the distribution of many different chemicals over the land surface of the UK and allows their interactions to be studied using geographical information systems or other digital methods. She developed the methods of systematically and reproducibly sampling and analysing sediment, soil and water samples, as well as the first quality-control systems for such data. The standard of the data is widely acknowledged as the best in the world, and the methods have been adopted by the IUGS/IAGC Global Geochemical Baseline Programme, which she leads jointly with the United States Geological Survey. She has used the data for many environmental studies, including issues related to human health and agriculture. She and her team have worked on problems related to human health in Asia and Africa helping, for example, to identify the relationship between a lack of available selenium in parts of China with the incidence of a type of heart disease.

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